Sunday, November 13, 2011

Haunting Heavenly Harrogate and a Jasper Jaunt

Good Afternoon My Dears,

When last I wrote,  I had donated my time to Pulp Fiction and had revved up my job search.  But the good news is  that I have gone on the dole successfully.  I am getting, wait for it, a whopping 67.50 GBP a week.  Go Me.

I am still applying for jobs and have been put forward once again for a billings analyst role.  In fact, the very same role that I interviewed for in June.  I even second rounded for it.  I am not sure what will have changed in the last few months for them to want me now but, we will see.  I also got a call for a part time bookkeeper, that intrigues me and I will have to follow that up tomorrow.

Last weekend, I went to Harrogate to visit Nicola and her very lovely family.  She broke her toe the day before I arrived so there was a lot of sitting around and chatting.  Much tea, wine, and sympathy was had by all.  We did go to Knaresborough, a beautiful town just up the road from Harrogate which is perched along the sides of a gorge.  And yes, a river does run through it.  Ian, Gwen, and I went to the Harrogate celebration of Guy Fawkes Day, which commemorates the attempted blowing up of the English Parliament.  There was a bon fire and fireworks and everything. I ended up looking like the creature from the blue lagoon, so covered in mud was I.  Thank goodness for English sense, they actually had a drier, so I was able to do washing, thank goodness.

This weekend, I had a visit from Jasper.  As he does not have a TV, all he really wanted to do was catch up on TV and play word feud all day.  That was alright, as I was too busy looking for jobs, in any case.  We did manage to wander through Edinburgh a bit but the only thing of interest we did was eat Fejuada, a brazilian sausage and black bean stew, which we bought from a police box on The Meadows, that a friend of mine owns.

Right, that's all she wrote folks.

Next Up:  No clue but I am sure it will be worth the wait.

Cheerio for now,
