Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Edinburgh Exit

Hello My Dears,

The Scottish experiment has come to a close.  The results of the experiment may not, at first, be apparent. In the first place, it turns out that the job that was supposed to go permanent in February, was only a holiday cover after all.  They told me on the 4th of January.  In true American style, and on the advice of my mama, I went to the Cheque Centre and very politely told them off.

In the second place, I have met some amazing people that I am going to miss and a couple that made the last few days in Edinburgh very difficult indeed. I think the difference between random Internet persons (RIPs) and In Real Life (IRL) people is just too, too difficult.  In the last two days,  I seem to have gone from being someone to be friends with to someone to avoid.  And I do get it, I really do.  It isn't the same when a friend leaves to go far away.  The friendship very fundamentally changes.  Instead of telling each other the minutia of life, you have stilted, "I-don't-know-you-anymore"conversations. Given these conditions, is it any wonder that the friendships change into something that is no longer fun? Also, the two people that I speak of may be just a wee bit mental because the things that they have said to me are a) not true and b) plain crazy.  However, the incident has turned into some very fine writing.  I seem to attract lots of broken toys.  Dude, do I look like Geppetto?  I am at last ready to come back to the States.  Of course, that is not to say that I won't try to come back to the UK again.  And, I did get a nice leaving party.

Before I left Edinburgh, I went on a haunted tour that was given by my friend Sharyn's husband, Jared.   The haunted tour took us beneath South Bridge into the vaults.  For a short time I thought I was going crazy.  In the "Double Height Room" (read: really high ceilinged vault), I saw a woman wearing a 1920's frock and it was no costume.  She was a bit see through though.  I like to think that someone was using interesting technology to make that happen.  But when I asked Jared he said that there was no such equipment down there.  I also felt cold spots where there shouldn't have been any.  But that was in the bar, at the end of the tour.  I wasn't drunk though, honest.

On Saturday, January 21, I went to Oxford to visit my friend Miriam.  Ah, Oxford, dreaming spires, indeed.  I wondered around that beautiful town, full of envy.  I was also very happy to spend time with someone who is a joy to be with and super fun.  Also, she is a very talented artist and has the best greeting cards ever.  We went to a photography exhibit where a friend of hers had some of his work.  I also found another super bookshop that I was drooling over.  It is called the Albion Beatnik Bookshop.  And I want it.  Sigh.  But...a concept has been born.  I would like to see a place that has books for sale, but not a bookshop, with food and drink, including a bar, but not just a restaurant.  To that end, I am working on a business plan.  Different from Kramer's or Politics and Prose.  We will see what comes of that.  Perhaps the start of another blog.  Course, I could just apply to Oxford as a Mature Student for a Master's in Creative Writing.

I got back to London on the 23rd (Monday) in the evening.  On the 24th (Tuesday), I wandered to the British Museum.  While there, I figured out the principles of time travel.  It is only possible if you do the exhibits backwards.  To that end, in Antiquity and the Classical Period, I went from Rome to Greece to Egypt.  One gains an interesting perspective doing things backwards.  In the evening, I got a tour of the Houses of Parliament.  Sorry, but Parliament is way cooler than the US Capitol.  First, it is much older. Henry VIII played tennis in the Great Hall.  There are lots of warrens and passages.  I got to climb one of the towers of Westminster all the way to the top.  Imagine, if you will, a rickety iron stairway, that while it isn't to heaven, comes pretty damn close.  I got some pictures, which, if they come out, promise to be amazing.  I think that Westminster would be a great setting for a mystery.  Must think on that.

On Wednesday 25 January, I took myself to the British Library and went to see a Medieval Manuscript exhibit.  The craft that was needed to make these beautiful books is inspiring.  It is a shame that the art does not really exist any longer.  The only drawback to the Exhibition was that I was the youngest person there.  Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trolling for people my own age.  It's just that it was really hard going through the exhibit as everyone blocked my view, and I have become too polite.  No more shoving little old ladies aside.  Too bad, really.

On Thursday, I went to the Soane Museum, the residence of Sir John Soane.  He was a 19th Century architect and Royal Academician who decided that his son wasn't worthy of inheriting his house.  So he turned it into a museum for the enjoyment of all.  This forward-thinking gentleman had that done via an act of Parliament, so it has been a free museum for the last 200 years or so.  Remind me never to piss off my parents.  Sir John designed a gallery that holds 100 paintings in a very small space through a system of false walls.  Definitely worth a visit for those of you coming to London for Brighitta's wedding.

On Friday,  I wandered around London rather aimlessly.  I went to a lovely, though very expensive cafe with Ana, Stephen's brother's girlfriend, who is my current flat mate.  We sat there for most of the day working.  What work could I possibly have, you ask?  It seems that Mercy Corps Scotland wants to interview me for the post of International Finance Officer .  I don't remember when I applied for the role but I got an email on Thursday asking me to do a telephone interview on the 30th.  I was writing the "Thanks but no thanks" email when my mama called and told me not to burn the bridge and do the interview.  After all, there is nothing to lose and it is my dream job.

On Saturday,  I met up with my friend, Joanna.  We met a few months ago in Edinburgh through my friend, Giselle.  We went for a meal and wandered around Covent Garden, which kind of reminds me of Georgetown.  I spent Sunday at the Wellcome Trust with Ana, preparing for Monday's interview.

Monday's interview went well, though it is a bit of a long shot.  I do not like phone interviews much and that might have come across.  The last two days in London I spent with Colin and Caroline Hampden-White, regaling them with stories of my time there.

After all that, I find myself at a loss for words.  I am not sure what is next, but I am ready for the next adventure.  Perhaps, the best way to close this blog, like this chapter of my life, is simply to say

Farewell and Haste ye back,


Monday, January 2, 2012

Chinese Christmas and a Hogmanay Hootenanny

Happy New Year My Dears,

Edinburgh's weather of late as been quite mild. Christmas Day was warmish, and by that I mean in the 50's.  I think that is the best one can expect for Scotland in the depths of Winter.  Work is going relatively well, though it has mostly been filing.  Even I can't mess that up.  On Friday, I was to reconcile some supplier statements.  It worked for a while and then it didn't.  I think I am going to ask for help.

Christmas Day was spent being a Jewish kid with my friend Steve, of bookstore fame.  We wandered through a very quiet, pleasantly warm Edinburgh.  Then went to have very overpriced Chinese food.  Which, from what I hear, is very traditional in the Canadian Jewish community.  Probably in the US as well, as Canada is the 51st state.  New Year's Eve was spent working the Castle view Hogmanay.  The bookstore put in windows that have the best view of Edinburgh Castle. I watched the fireworks from the bookstore bathroom as that is where the best view is.  That's right people, I spent New Year's in the loo and I wasn't even drunk.  I was drinking mulled wine at the time, however, so that was alright.

Yesterday, we spent the first part of the day wandering the Edinburgh New Year's day market.  Then we cleaned the shop up from the Hogmanay excesses.  That took a good couple of hours but, I swear, you could probably eat off the floor now.  This morning I was a lazy butt, except I am implementing my New Year's resolutions.  Slowly and with very low expectations, I assure you.

Right, folks, that's all she wrote.

Next Up: January Jangles

Cheerio for Now,


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Eleventh Hour Save

Good Afternoon My Dears,

This just in...Eleventh hour save appears to keep me in Scotland.   I have gotten a temp to perm job at Cheque Centre, a short term loans company, as an Accounts Payable Assistant.  This job is scheduled to go perm come February and starts on Monday.  That means that I had to change my ticket to come back.  And re-rent my apartment.  And reinstate my cable. And all the stuff I canceled.  I also have to get my kitchen stuff back, or at least some of it, so's I can feed my face.

The reason that the job isn't perm already, is a budget issue and the company is still working out their 2012 salary budget.  So from now till the New Year I am being paid by a temp agency. In January, I go on Cheque Centre's payroll.  Then, if I do not screw it up, I go perm in February.  Now, you may all be thinking, "Screw Up?  You ought to think more of yourself!!"  I do, my dears, I do.  But I also have my track record in Scotland to go by.  And we all know that it has not been of the best.  However,  I will do mine.

For those of you wondering when you will see me, I am either going to come back for good on February 1, if the job doesn't go well, or if it does, I will come for a 10 day holiday.  I am happy, my dears, the thought of leaving Scotland has been heartbreaking.  I get to keep leading my writer's group. Speaking of, the group has published an anthology called A Spoonful of Stories, in which I have a poem.  Edinburgh is a very literary town and it has certainly gotten my creative juices flowing.  I am also planning on doing more dancing.  All of the above, of course is predicated on moving out of Gilmerton and closer into town.

So, in sum, I am happy but very busy.  Also, I do not think my mama is very happy with me but I think I need to start thinking about myself.  And as my mama loves me, eventually, she will come round.

Right, that's all she wrote folks.

Next Up: Work begins and a Christmas coma.

Cheerio for now,


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Potentially Penultimate Post

Good Evening My Dears,

I am very sorry for the long silence.  There is no defense, I'm afraid.  The Scottish Experiment seems to be coming to a close and there doesn't seem to be any point in writing when I am in the process of distributing the remains of my Scottish existence to various people.  I have coming back to the US on Christmas day. I will arrive about 8:30 in the evening, probably pretty tired.

The weather in Scotland has been all that I imagined lately.  We have had a lot of rain, a bit of snow and two supposed hurricanes.  One of which is howlin' outside my window as I write.  I am not-so-secretly hoping that I will be stranded in Scotland come Christmas, at least for a week.  Also, I hope that the person I stay with in town will be willing to put me up for a bit longer.  Otherwise I may have to depend on the kindness of strangers.

When last I wrote, I had gone to Harrogate and Jasper had visited.  Since then, I have continued helping at Pulp Fiction (read sitting on my butt, browsing the internet.)  I have also started a very quiet revolution.  I managed to take over leadership of the writer's group and move it from a cafe where it was very difficult to hear people read, to the bookshop where it is not.  Incredibly, the group has voted to stay at the bookshop once I leave, and the person who was my biggest nay sayer turned into my biggest supporter.   Ah, THE POWER!!!

As I am still on the dole, I need to go tomorrow and get myself off of it.  No more money for me.  I have also started saying goodbye to all the friends that I have made here.  I am still so conflicted, because I do have a return for the 10th of February.  Also, a friend has made it very clear that she is rather desperate for me to return as she claims that she only makes a friend once every 100 years or so.  I do not believe it as she is a very engaging young lady and a writer of extraordinary talent, in spite of difficulties that would cause me to cower in my bed.  And then there's been the experience of working at Pulp Fiction.  It is a place that made the last two months in Scotland more positive than they otherwise would have been.  The proprietor and staff are amazing people, and mean more to me than I could ever adequately express.

Right Folks that's all she wrote.

Next Up: Homeward Bound

Cheerio for Now,


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Haunting Heavenly Harrogate and a Jasper Jaunt

Good Afternoon My Dears,

When last I wrote,  I had donated my time to Pulp Fiction and had revved up my job search.  But the good news is  that I have gone on the dole successfully.  I am getting, wait for it, a whopping 67.50 GBP a week.  Go Me.

I am still applying for jobs and have been put forward once again for a billings analyst role.  In fact, the very same role that I interviewed for in June.  I even second rounded for it.  I am not sure what will have changed in the last few months for them to want me now but, we will see.  I also got a call for a part time bookkeeper, that intrigues me and I will have to follow that up tomorrow.

Last weekend, I went to Harrogate to visit Nicola and her very lovely family.  She broke her toe the day before I arrived so there was a lot of sitting around and chatting.  Much tea, wine, and sympathy was had by all.  We did go to Knaresborough, a beautiful town just up the road from Harrogate which is perched along the sides of a gorge.  And yes, a river does run through it.  Ian, Gwen, and I went to the Harrogate celebration of Guy Fawkes Day, which commemorates the attempted blowing up of the English Parliament.  There was a bon fire and fireworks and everything. I ended up looking like the creature from the blue lagoon, so covered in mud was I.  Thank goodness for English sense, they actually had a drier, so I was able to do washing, thank goodness.

This weekend, I had a visit from Jasper.  As he does not have a TV, all he really wanted to do was catch up on TV and play word feud all day.  That was alright, as I was too busy looking for jobs, in any case.  We did manage to wander through Edinburgh a bit but the only thing of interest we did was eat Fejuada, a brazilian sausage and black bean stew, which we bought from a police box on The Meadows, that a friend of mine owns.

Right, that's all she wrote folks.

Next Up:  No clue but I am sure it will be worth the wait.

Cheerio for now,


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bookstore Bliss

Good Evening My Dears,

The weather in Edinburgh has been a delight of late with blue skies and mild temperatures in abundance.  What this really means, of course, is that I have only had to use my umbrella once in the last 5 days.  That must surely be some sort of record for Edinburgh.

When last I wrote, I had lost my job with Standard Life and was revving up to look for another job.  While I am still doing that, I have expanded my search for work to places like London and Amsterdam.  After all, with the Greek passport Europe (workwise) is my oyster.  Of course, with the Greek passport comes grave concerns, as we Greeks aren't really that well regarded by the rest of Europe.  In the meantime, as there have been no interviews, or even calls for interesting jobs.  I have renewed my attempts to go on the dole.  To that end, I have an interview for Job Seeker's benefit on Tuesday.

In other news,  I have taken to skulking about  Pulp Fiction, a genre bookstore on Bread Street in Central Edinburgh, where the company is stellar and the WiFi free.  In exchange for allowing me to skulk, I have donated my time to this independent bookshop and can be found prancing about pricing books and keeping my boss kind of organized.  I also sing under my breath when alone in the store.  It works out well, as Steve was involved in musical theatre.

Right, that's all she wrote folks.

Next Up: Harrogate Revisited and a Jasper Jaunt.

Cheerio for Now,


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Family Fun and a Job Jinx

Good Evening My Dears,

When last I wrote I had started the job at Standard Life and my Dad was coming to town.  The best part of his trip was that Alex surprised me with a visit.  She literally jumped out of the closet at the hotel.  They stayed with me for 6 days.  We spent Saturday wandering Edinburgh and having lunch with some very cool friends of Alex's, Colin and Caroline Hampden-White.  They are two super down to earth people with a very posh last name.  On Sunday we explored Glasgow, and wandered through the Charles Rennie Mackintosh exhibit at the Art Museum at Kelingrove. (And yes, that Lord Kelvin).  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (Oct. 3-5th) we wandered through Edinburgh in the evenings after I got out of work.  It was very nice to have my dad agree that I live just a smidge too far out of town and that I should move into town.

Unfortunately, work is not going all that well and they have decided to terminate my contract.  I feel that this termination is unfair.  In the first place they brought up the fact that while my family was here I was leaving at 3:30 and that my cell phone was on the desk.  In my defense, I told them that I would be having the phone out so that my family could get in touch.  As well I am only supposed to work a 35 hour week so in order to leave at 3:30, I get to work at 8:00 am.  On Tuesday, they asked me to stay overtime to complete a task and I did.  On Friday, after my family left I asked how to fill out the timesheet and was told that we do not get overtime so I filled out the timesheet without the 2 hours I worked overtime.  On Monday last week, I asked if I could leave 2 hours early on a day that was light in terms of work, so as not to inconvenience the team, so that I could register for healthcare and was told that was fine.  I came into work on Tuesday this week, and my boss asked me to have a hat to talk about how I was getting on.  That is when she told me that they were terminating my contract and that they were giving me a week's notice.  They also said they felt I wasn't picking things up fast enough and that I was asking the same questions over and over again.  I wasn't, however.  You see, I did not have access to the systems that I needed to do my job and so I needed to ask for help.  In addition, I am being made a scapegoat for the fact that on the 3rd of october 2 feeds did not come into the team mailbox and while I reported it, I reported it to the wrong person.  Later, I found out that the problem is still going on.  So in short, I feel like I am being made an example of.  I can guarantee that the person who is responsible for sending the emails out has not been let go.

Anyhoo, I am rather demoralized at the moment and I am not sure that I want to continue struggling here in the UK.  That is a shame, as I really do like Scotland and am not really looking forward to coming back to the US.  I am not sure what is next, though I have been talking to agencies and applying for jobs.  I am planning on leaving Edinburgh to celebrate Guy Fawkes day in Harrogate but as that is an expensive proposition, I am postponing buying the ticket.  Also, Jasper is coming in mid November so I have to stay till then.

Right, folks, that is all she wrote.

Next Up: Job Searching and Heavenly Harogate again.

Cheerio for Now,
